Talk to a Movie. Talk to God.
Watching a movie is more than an opportunity to be entertained. Watching a movie is an opportunity to meet with God. In a few brief chapters, How to Talk to a Movie will forever change the way you watch movies by opening your eyes and ears to what movies are saying, how they are saying it, and how God might be speaking to you through them.
Want a sample? Start here to find out what movies I think Christians should be watching.
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Praise for How to Talk to a Movie
for film lovers who know a film's presence goes beyond the screen
“Deceptively brief and simple, How to Talk to a Movie is a great read–whether for students taking classes on film, for Christians wanting to lead a film discussion group, or for any and all film lovers who recognize that a film’s presence extends outward beyond its screening to conversations with others and perhaps the Other.”
– Robert K. Johnston, Author of Reel Spirituality, Co-editor of God in the Movies
discover the mysterious business of God’s voice at the movies
“The writer Frederick Buechner once said that the most basic lesson that all art teaches us is to stop, look, and listen. When we truly listen, he says, we discover that life is a vastly richer, more mysterious business that we might have initially suspected. Davidson’ book helps us to do just that: to listen to what our neighbor is saying, through a movie, and to discover the mysterious business of God’s voice there, too.”
– W. David O. Taylor, Fuller Theological Seminary
an approach to cinema that Christians should embrace
“Talking at a movie is easy. Talking to it requires a different attitude, and a more refined set of skills. In How to Talk to a Movie, Elijah Davidson instructs the reader in that skill set and also makes the persuasive argument that this approach to cinema is one that Christians in particular should embrace. I wholeheartedly agree.”
– Josh Larsen, Editor, Think Christian; Co-host, Filmspotting; Author of Movies are Prayers
a thoughtful spiritual reflection and required reading for any theology and film course
“How to Talk to a Movie offers thoughtful, spiritual reflection worth considering for anyone who wants to engage with movies beyond the surface. This would be required reading if I were teaching any theological film analysis course. Highly recommended!”
– Avril Z. Speaks, FIlm/TV Producer; Director; Editor
a warm and enthusiastic invitation to a better way of experiencing art and soul
“Davidson responds to cinema with both heart and mind, and builds a raft for people of faith to explore something beyond the light on the screen. Asking what shape the meaning in the movies can take in our own lives, his is a warm and enthusiastic invitation to a better way of experiencing art and soul.”
– Gareth Higgins, Founder, and
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