What Movies and TV Shows Should Christians Watch?
What should Christians watch?
That’s a good question. The truth is, whether or not they should, Christians watch all kinds of movies and TV shows. Hopefully, we are watching with a clear conscience, not as a secret indulgence or with a sense of Pharisaic self-righteousness. There are no Bible verses about watching movies just as there are no Bible verses about what car to drive or where to go on vacation. The Bible isn’t a list of to-dos and not-to-dos. It’s a collection of books about who God is and the kinds of people we ought to be because God loves us.
So there are no simple answers to the question of what Christians should or shouldn’t watch, but there are things we can learn about the kinds of movie-watchers Christians should be no matter what they are watching.
Christians should watch movies and TV shows in a way that is consistent with the key principals of our Christian faith:
without fear and with humility, generosity, and love.
Christians should watch movies and TV shows in a way that is consistent with the key principals of our Christian faith: without fear and with humility, generosity, and love. If we do, we’ll discover that movie-watching can become more than mere distraction. Watching movies can become a kind of devotional practice in which God meets with us in the space between the silver screen, our day-to-day lives, and God’s word.
If you want to learn more, consider: