
Call me names.

Call me Elijah. Call me Son. Call me Brother. Call me Smart. Call me Crush. Call me Coach’s Kid.

Call me Grandson. Call me Honest. Call me Nothing. Call me Pharisee. Call me Back. Call me Mature. Call me Slow. Call me Fat. Call me Second To Last.

Call me Lineman. Call me Thrower. Call me Injured. Call me Nerd. Call me Quiet. Call me Writer. Call me Valedictorian.

Call me Manager. Call me Christian. Call me Doc. Call me E. Call me 184s. Call me 165s. Call me Leader. Call me Cute. Call me Valedictorian again.

Call me Roommate. Call me Swoll’. Call me Reverend. Call me Fox. Call me Rod Man. Call me Aggie. Call me Assistant. Call me Lonely. Call me College Boy. Call me Chaplain. Call me Eye Man. Call me Friend.

Call me Magna Cum Laude. Call me Chief. Call me Lead. Call me Home. Call me Seminarian.

Call me Receptionist. Call me Head Over Heels. Call me Blind. Call me Foolish. Call me Crushed.

Call me Loved. Call me Broken. Call me Strength In Weakness. Call me Humbled. Call me Happy. Call me Rest.

Call me Co-Director. Call me Beau. Call me Ex. Call me Foreign. Call me Fallow. Call me…

Call me names. Tell me my story. Call it fiction. That’s what it is. Every name I’m given is less than what I am.

I am expansive. I am confounding. I am…

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